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Author:1461 Dedicatee:1 and 103 and 11 and 12 Editor:105 and 012 and 065 Data Source:024 and 0018 Date of Imprint:12 and 13 Format:16 and divided and chancery Place of Imprint:10209 Printer:1216 Subjects:canon and civil and astrology Translator:1 and 10aSearch tips
- Select "match all" to require all fields.
- Select "match any" to find at least one field.
- Combine keywords and attributes to find specific items.
- Use quotation marks to search as a phrase.
- Use "+" before a term to make it required. (Otherwise results matching only some of your terms may be included).
- Use "-" before a word or phrase to exclude.
- Use "OR", "AND", and "NOT" to create complex boolean logic. You can use parentheses in your complex expressions.
- Truncation and wildcards are not supported - word-stemming is done automatically.